Born on 23 August 1888 in
Dvinsk, Lettland (Latvia), to pious parents -- small
industrialist. Father -- used to in his youth
participate in "The Sale of Joseph plays", so that there
was created a fund for a new sefer torah. He
learned in a cheder and yeshiva, then completed six
classes in the Dvinsk Hebrew school of "Mfitsi Haskalah".
From childhood on he
manifested a desire for the theatre and participated in
the children's productions of the school. Besides this,
he used to in an earlier time "act" in private dwellings
with children "Captain Dreyfus", and other "plays" for a
groshn or a kopek a ticket.
1903 -- sang in a chorus
during an "amateur" offering of Goldfaden's "Di
kishufmakherin", and not versatile he left the role,
bought from a friend a role(?), and as such, exhausted,
he acted afterwards constantly for five years in roles
in the dramatic circle. In 1908 he was -- without the
knowledge of his family -- engaged as a professional
actor to Zhitomir in a troupe, where he debuted on 24
July 1908 in Polotsk, and remained there to act for a
year. 1910 -- he acted with Sabsey and Bernstein. At the
end of 1910 -- was taken in to military service in
October (Turkestan), where he found himself in a Russian
military dramatic circle of most of the time
professional actors under the direction of actor
Aleksandrov, and S. entered into the circle, where he
acted two or three times a week in the span of the three
years that he served in the military. |