T. was born in 1893 in
Warsaw, Poland. He completed a Polish dramatic school
under the direction of Kazimierz Kaminski. He directed
with a dramatic circle in Poland and published several
one-acters and [scenes=stsenkes].
In 1923 he settled in
Argentina, where he managed the [live images: lebendike
bilder]: "Ideal, kunst un arbet", "Turmeleydn", "Umgekert",
"Zeglen"; he translated several one-acters for Mark Swen
and Anatole France, dramatized Andreyev's "The Seven Who
Were Hanged", Peretz's "Mkublim" and "Di drey neytorins",
Feinberg's "Vuhin", Victor Hugo's "The Ninety-Third
Year" and Mendele's "Vinshpingerl" (published in a
collection of Mendele's [instsenirungen], publishing for
the Argentinean Yiddish Writers and Journalists Union).
T. had, in "Di prese", "Groys
un kleyn", "Pnimer un pnimlekh" and "Avezhaneder shtime",
published the [scenes=stsenkes] and one-acters "A guter
klient", "Dos feld-meydl", "Umgekert", et al.
He also directed several
plays for better repertoires and [gehaltn] in dramatic
circles lectures about diction, declamations, mimicry,
T.'s wife Edya (Berkover)
performed in Argentina as a folksong singer.
Sh. E. |