Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Yeshaya Uger


U. was born in 1873 in Horoshki, Volin, into a family to whom Rabbi Akiva Eiger was the Messiah. He was educated in Zhitomir, where with his parents in the home he learned Mendele, Binshtok, Tsveyfel, Kulisher. Secular studies came in a Moscow gymnasium, and in the high school of Königsberg (philology) and Charlottenburg (technology).

Still as a student he learned in Yiddish national circles. His first Hebrew teacher was the poet M. M. Doltisky. A. entered into the "Ben-tsion" group and made his first step into journalism. Studying abroad, A. began to work for the Yiddish press. His journalistic activity in Yiddish began in 1903 in Petersburg's "Freynd".

In the beginning of today's century, A. visited Lodz and here began to write in the German "Noye lodzher tseytung (New Lodz Newspaper)", and in the foreign German press, where he was a correspondent, for the first time in a positive way about the Yiddish theatre, drawing the attention of the assimilated Jewish intelligentsia to Yiddish theatre and actors.

When in 1907 U. edited the first daily Yiddish newspaper in Lodz "Lodzer nakhrikhten", and later the "Lodzer tageblat", he went very many times there to Yiddish theatre, writing very often critiques and articles about the Yiddish stage.


In Epelberg's "Theatre World' (Warsaw, 1908), A. published a series of articles about Yiddish actors on the European stages, and in Volumes 1 to 4 published in his translation and adaptation not completely the first act of Father Mila's four-act drama "Shabtai tsvi" (the last Messiah).

In 1918 A. wrote a four-act drama "Captain Dreyfus" , which was staged in Lodz's "Skala Theatre", by the Adler-Serotsky troupe.

In the "theatre world", there also was advertised a theatre almanac, that A. had prepared to print, but it was never published.

A. married actress Malvina Serotsky-Kompaneyets.

  • Zalmen Reyzen -- "Lexicon of Yiddish Literature", Vol. I, pp. 46-8.

  • "Der senior fun der lodzer yudisher zhurnalistik" -- Polish Manchester, Lodz, 2 1928.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 1, page 38.

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