Born on 5 October 1872 in
Lemberg, Galicia. Brothr of Hrman W. From age six until
age sixteen he sang in the chorus of the Lemberg temple
and then joined Gimpel, where Goldfaden had then staged
"Doctor Yozelman", and W. was given the three small
roles of "Birgermeister", "Pfalts" and "Kenig".
After acting for four years
in this theatre, W. received a concession in a German
shantan, with which he toured for two years across
Galicia. In 1896 W. received a concession in Yiddish
theatre and toured across the province with a troupe of
twenty-eight people (including Jacob and Lisa Silbert,
Frida Zibl, Joseph Weinstock and his wife). 1902 -- W.
opened a Yiddish theatre in Vienna, 1904 -- in Budapest,
in 1906 -- in Berlin (Thalia Theatre), where he acted
for a year and founded the "Orientalia" association.
Then W. settled in Vienna, where he acted for a long
time in a stable fashion, and the last years only from
time to time, spending most of his time with deliveries
of theatre costumes for his own wardrobe.
W. for a certain time
traveled around with a phonograph, with which he used to
(for a small admission fee) play cantorial
"compositions" and Yiddish theatre songs.
W. also participated in the
film, "Di shtot on yidn" by Chona Betoyer.
Sh. E.
M. E from Jacob
Mestel. |