Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Sigmund Weintraub


Born in November 1874 in Belz, Bessarabia. Parents -- owners of a haberdashery business. Until age eleven he learned in cheders and in a governmental school, later with a teacher.

In 1888 he immigrated to New York, where he became a fur worker , learning further and joining in a chorus of Goldfaden's dramatic circle later in Feinman's dramatic school. Here he performed for the first time in a small role in "Di farblondzhete neshamos", later in the same circle in Gordin's name as "David Moisheles" in Gordin's "King Lear", and from time to time he acted as a "lover" in Adler's troupe.

1892-3 -- W. became engaged as a professional in Spachner's section of the "Thalia" Theatre for Philadelphia with Feinman at its head. However the troupe did not last long. The New York actors returned to New York, and W. with only several minor actors remained to act in Philadelphia. To them came Kestin and Frank, and togther they toured for six years across the province. Then Thomashefsky brought him to New York, where W. began to at in a variety theatre with his translated one-acter "Er un zi". Then he acted in other self-translations and adapted one-acters.

W. founded then the actors union Local 5.

Later W. became a member in the actors union, and for a certain time also was its president, acting for a season in the Windsor Theatre with Thomashefsky at the Peoples Theatre and then in


the National (ten to eleven seasons). For one season he traveled with Lipzin across the province, single seasons with Lipzin, Adler-Moshkovitsh, Rosa Karp in the Liberty, where he also became a co-director, then he became by himself director of the Liberty Theatre and acted there until 1919. In 1920 -- acted with Berl Bernstein for a season in Chicago, 1921 in the Irving Place Theatre in New York, and 1922-3 in the Prospect Theatre and across the province.

W. participated in Sidney Goldin's film "Des hoykers roman".

In 1923 W. withdrew from the stage and opened in New York, at first by himself, then together  with E. A. Relkin, a theatre office that arranged the guest appearances of troupes and "stars" across the American province.

M. E.

  • B. Gorin -- "History of Yiddish Theatre", Vol. II, p. 179.

  • Jacob Kirschenbaum -- Kunst un kinstler, "Di idishe velt", Cleveland, June 1915.

  • Uriel Mazik -- Bilder-galereye fun unzere idishe shoyshpiler, "Der tog", N. Y., 12 January 1918.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 1, page 685.

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