At the end of 1894 he
arrived in America and here edited the weekly "Emes" in
Boston, then contributed to the "Forward," later in "Di
varhayt" and "Tsukunft," of which he was editor in 1908.
W. published songs,
articles, dramas, fables, epigrams under his own name
and under the pseudonyms: M. E. Revkin, Chone Balbetun,
Yankele Trashke, Der Eynikel, Zayn Pluniste, Jim from
Bethnalgal, A Meshugener Filozof, and also under his
English name -- Leopold Benedict.
After the division in the
Jewish Workers' Movement in America, W. went over to the
communist ranks and from time to time, and he
participated in their organ "Frayhayt." In May 1924 W.
visited the Soviet Union, where he was received with
enthusiasm. In 1925 he returned to America, and since
then, due to bad health, almost entirely withdrew from
public activity.
On 23 January 1895 Jacob P.
Adler staged in his theatre for Gordin's benefit W.'s
translation of Henryk Ibsen's "Nora," which was
advertised as "Nora, or, Ns bsud ns, adapted from Gordin
and Winchevsky." In 1906 the play was published in New
York's Mayzel publishing house as a translation only
under W.'s name. In 1909 the translation there was
published in a new, improved edition.
Soon after Jacob Gordin's
passing, in 1909, there was published in New York's M.
Mayzel's publishing house W.'s book "A ṭog miṭ Yaʻaḳov
Gordin -- durkhgelekht un beshrieben by Morris
In 1910 in Max Mayzel's
publishing house, New York, there was published Ibesen's
"Der boymayster," and A. Goldwin's translation with W.'s
In 1911 there was published
in America Gordin's "Mirele Efros" with a forward by W.,
in which he characterized in rhyme the types of several
of Gordin's plays.
In 1922 W. participated in
the writer's production of Pinski's "Der oytser (The
Treasure)" in New York.
In 1920 in the "Forward
Publishing House," there was published three volumes of
W.'s scripts, including thereof in the third volume the
following plays: "Der letster nabor, a drama in three
acts," [the subject of the play earlier through the
author was for "a dramatic poem in two small scenes,"
under the name "Fort nit gekhapt," which he published in
1885 i London's "Der poylisher idel"] with an epilogue
under the name "Di mekhitse" [taken from Anatol Franz's
novel. The epilogue in August 1916 was performed in New
York], "Kloymersht a haseneh, a drama in four acts," "Der
mizreh vind, a comedy in on act" (subject from an
English sketch), "A gehargeter editorial (a scene in an
redaction)," which was performed in April 1929 through
the dramatic section of the cooperative colony in New
York (director -- A. Peker), and "Man un vayb,"
performed circa 1890 in New York.
In 1927 in New York's
publishing house "Frayhayt," there was published under
the editing of Kalmen Marmor ten volumes from W.'s "Gezamelte
verk." From his inclusion in the third volume, besides a
reprinting of W.'s "Der lester nabor," the following
plays: "Der mirer illoy, a comedy in three acts," which
was written in September 1886 in London, "A khasene un a
levaye, a fantasy in two scenes," (completed on 25
November 1921), and "Der shtn mktrg, a scene in heaven,"
(written in Boston in September 1895, published on 20
September 1895 in the "Emes," and in 1921 again was
adapted). In the sixth volume of this edition there was
reprinted the one-acter "A gehargeter editorial,
and in the eighth volume [in an abridged form] "A ṭog
miṭ Yaʻaḳov Gordin."
W. has in manuscript several
unpublished plays, including a comedy, "Ester," which
through him was given to Henrietta Schnitzer.
M.E. from H. Zuckerberg.
Z. Reisen -- "Lexicon of Yiddish
Literature," Vol. I, pp. 977-82.
Kalmen Marmor -- Morris
vintshevsky's "a ge'hrg'eter editoriel," "Frayhayt," N. Y., 26
April 1929.
Kalmen Marmor -- [artiklen vegn
vintshevski], "Frayhayt," 27 November 1928; 19 February, 14
April, 5 May, 1929.