Lives in the Yiddish Theatre



The first Yiddish marionette theatre [named formed from the founders "Mad- and "Kotler"] began their theatre on 17 December 1925 in New York with the offering of "King Ahasuerus" by Zuni Maud, music by Michael Gelbart and Moshe Rappoport, and "Oyf vos mustu krenkn? (What Ails You?)" by Yosel Kotler. The direction of the first production was by Romm, Jacob Ben-Ami and Jacob Mestel.

The second program given was on 31 March 1926. There was staged "Dem shadkhans tekhter (The Matchmaker's Daughter)" by Avraham Reyzen, "Oyf yener velt" by Moyshe Nadir, and "Di feferdike yidlekh" by Yosel Kotler.

The third program given was on 22 September 1926: "The Dybbuk," a parody by Zuni Maud, "Di feferdike yidlekh" by Yosel Kotler, music by M. Gelbart, and a minuet dance.

The fourth program was on 4 March 1928 in the Rend School Hall and consisted of "Der leytisher mentsh" by Zuni Maud, and "Business" by Yosel Kotler, music arranged by Boris Weiner.

Besides this, afterwards there was given from time to time the old programs with an admixture of new numbers: "Der magid (Maud), "Di blekherne kale" and "Der betler" (Kotler), et al.

In 1929 "Modjacot" traveled to Europe and performed in Paris, London and Antwerp (October 1929), Warsaw (November--December 1929) and Vilna (February 1930).

From January--May 1932 "Modjacot" guest-starred in both Greater- and White Russia. Here for ther first time there was staged Z. Maud's "Shlomo mit der bhmh," Maud and Kotler's political satire "Farn shpil un nokhn shpil," "Ching Tang Po" (Chinese satire), and an adaptation of Sholem Aleichem's "Sheine balabatim."

  • R. Yoklson -- Vi lalkes shpiln in idishn marionetn teater, "Frayhayt," N. Y., 16 April 1926.

  • Dr. A. Mukdoni -- Fremds un eygns, "Morning Journal," N. Y., 8 October 1926.

  • B. Botwinik -- In der teater-velt, "Der veker," N. Y., 16 October 1925.

  • Dr. A. Mukdoni -- Idisher teater in 1925-26, "Der idisher velt-almanakh," N. Y., 1927.

  • A. Bley (Tspuri) -- Marioneten-shpiel, "Yidishe tagblat," N. Y., 2 March 1928, "Di 7 teg ilustrirt," Paris, 4, 1928.

  • Y. Shayak -- Dos yidishe marioneten teater, "Post," London, 22 October 1929.

  • A. B--n -- Shtundn fun fargenigen un fraynd, "Tsayt," London, 22 October 1926.

  • M. Altman -- Der yidisher marioneten-teater, "Literarishe bleter" in antverpen, "Yidishe prese," Antwerp, 48, 1929.

  • A. Alperin -- Der yidisher marioneten-teater, "Literarishe bleter," Waraw, 40, 1929.

  • Bit-shin [B. Shefner] -- Voyle, heymishe amerikaner, "Naye folkst.," Warsaw, 27 November 1929.

  • N. M. [Mayzel] -- Di "modiokat"-forshtelungen, "Literarishe bleter," Warsaw, 49, 1929.

  • Y. Vorshaviak -- Iber varshever teatern, "Tsiun. blet," Warsaw, 33, 1929.

  • Melekh Ravitsh -- Di marioneten-kinstler zuni maud un yosel kotler, "Literarishe bleter," Warsaw, 50, 1929.

  • Zalmen Reyzen -- Di ershte oyffirungen fun "madikat," "Vilner tog," 2 February 1930.

  • LE -- Di vunderlekhe finger-mlakhh fun zuni maud un yosl kotler, "Vilner tog," 4 February 1930.

  • L. S--ki -- Di oyftritn funm modiokat, "Tsayt," Vilna, 4 February 1930.

  • Nechama Epstein -- Kunst oder kinder-shpil, "Vilner tog," 5 February 1939.

  • Melekh Ravitsh -- A zivg mn hshmim, "Vilner tog," 7 February 1930.

  • Z. maud un yosl kotler vegn zayer "madiokat," "Literarishe bleter," Warsaw, 11, 1930.

  • Yosel Kotler -- Moskve derkvikt, "Morgn-frayhayt," N. Y., 28 February 1931.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 2,  page 1210.

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