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The Zylbercweigs
The Yiddish Radio Hour



Celia (Silver) Zylbercweig  


  Zalmen Zylbercweig


Current Rebroadcast

filled with world and local news, commentary and song

Original Broadcast Year:


Zalmen Zylbercweig Receives an Award
on air from the Los Angeles City Council


Due to the extraordinary volume and breadth of his work, Zalmen Zylbercweig received numerous awards and testimonials throughout his lifetime. One such award was bestowed upon him in 1959 by the Los Angeles City Council. This award was given to him not only for his work on the "Lexicon", but also for the body of his life's work, all of which contributed greatly to the preservation of both Jewish history and culture.

Here you can hear a series of audio recordings from this awards ceremony, broadcast from his home studio in Los Angeles. Just click on the links to hear the audio:

photo, above: Graphic design representing the "Leksikon fun yidishn teater". Drawing of playwrights Jacob Gordin, bottom left, and Abraham Goldfaden, upper right.




An introduction to the Awards ceremony
as spoken by Zylbercweig's wife Celia, translated into English:

My Dear Listeners, Friends,

Today, in our studio, we are gathering for a wonderful event.

A few people who represent different organizations are here today, in order to pay tribute to my husband Zalmen Zylbercweig, for his work and dedication to the Jewish community and to the completion of the third volume of the "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre".

Not only is the celebration among the Jewish community here in Los Angeles, but for the first time the City Council of Los Angeles is recognizing a Jewish writer, a correspondent and radio personality who on a daily basis connects with thousands of listeners who await news of our country, of Israel, Europe and the entire world.

I am sure that even though you are not here with us in the studio, you are delighted to learn of this tribute and are proud of the fact that a Jewish writer has achieved such recognition.

We know how you feel about us, and how dedicated you are to our daily program. We appreciate your love and respect.

Celia Zylbercweig

next broadcast: October 12, 1969



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