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The Zylbercweigs
The Yiddish Radio Hour



Celia (Silver) Zylbercweig  


  Zalmen Zylbercweig


Current Rebroadcast

filled with world and local news, commentary and song

Original Broadcast Date:


June 23, 1968

Listen to the Radio Program

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Summary of Radio Program Contents, Commentary and News:

[Hava Nagila Intro]

Celia greets the listeners and says that the show was sponsored by Michael Tevet, an owner of an appliance store (Braverman's), and Frigidaire Corp. They have sponsored the Zylbercweig's radio show for twenty years.

Zalmen talks of the ardent struggle within both American political parties for the candidacy. He speaks about the controversial issue of the Vietnam War becoming a central issue. Senator McCarthy doling out criticism to his opponents. First, the senator said that it was unclear where Hubert Humphrey stood, and how the stand would influence the voters. Humphrey remained silent on the issue as the Vice President. This in turn would mean that he is likely to continue the war, costing the US billions of dollars, leading to a further increase in the cost of living for thousands of young Americans.

Senator McCarthy also criticized the other Democratic candidate, Robert Kennedy, for similar reasons. McCarthy believed he was attracting the votes that were expected to go to his opponent, and his chances were increasing from day to day.

However, now Vice President Humphrey has spoken out on the topic. His position was that the war must be brought to an end and that there was a lot of room for compromise. And he responded to McCarthy's criticism that he is a Vice President and his role is to play "second fiddle", and not to take over the whole orchestra, the orchestra must follow the conductor - the President. He added that if had been the President, he would have his own policies.

Celia reads an ad for Frigidaire refrigerators and Michael Tevet's appliance store. Zalmen joins in.

Zalmen reads an ad for the Great Savings & Loan and introduces a song by Bina Landau "Reb Motenyu." After the song, he reads another Great Savings & Loan ad.

They follow with various community news, including a film and discussion on the topic of the Vietnam War.

Zalmen introduces a song recording by Shlomo Carlebach "Eso einai" (Esa einai).

Celia reads an ad for a weekly, "The Californian Jewish Voice."

Zalmen first talks about a forthcoming event in New York City, and then talks about his Lexicon and an actor Leon Kolker in Mexico.

Zalmen introduces another song "Borekh eylokem." Zalmen talks of his Lexicon, Ephraim Greytinger, Hershele Ostropoler, and several books about Ostropoler and various Yiddish comedy actors.

Celia closes the show.

[Hava Nagila outro]

Next rebroadcast: August 18, 1968.




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