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The Zylbercweigs
The Yiddish Radio Hour



Celia (Silver) Zylbercweig  


  Zalmen Zylbercweig


Current Rebroadcast

filled with world and local news, commentary and song

Original Broadcast Date:


December 10, 1967

Listen to the Radio Program
(approx. 30 mins.)


 Just turn on your speakers, click on the microphone icon and the sound recording should begin!

Summary of Radio Program Contents, Commentary and News:

Zalmen explains the procedure for appointing the Cabinet Secretaries. Then Zalmen switches to the news that Secretary McNamara has handed in his resignation due to differences of opinion with President Johnson on the Vietnam War. McNamara was not principally opposed to the war. Instead, he was against increasing the troop levels, weaponry levels and offensive strikes. He took this position, because he was concerned with the geopolitics of the day, wanting to cooperate either with China or the U.S.S.R. or both. (As opposed to being opposed to both.)

Celia reads a Frigidaire ad.

Zalmen talks of a humoresque by Yosl der griner in Forverts (Forward) about the infighting about Yiddish among American Jews. The jocular poem revolves around the neologisms entering (or being barred from) the language, as well as about the potential spelling reform arguments.

Celia reads another ad. This one not only involves the Frigidaire brand, but also the local distributor - "the great Yiddish appliance store (Braverman Brothers)" on South La Brea Avenue in Los Angeles.

Zalmen announces Moshe Olgin's memorial. (He was the founder and editor of Der Morgn Freiheit. Wiki has an article about him under Moissaye Joseph Olgin.)

Celia reads an ad for a Jewish weekly.

Zalmen reads an ad for the Great Western Savings & Loan, which sponsored the song performed by Louis Danto.

Celia reads an ad for the same sponsor.

Zalmen moves on to community news with an announcement about a Jewish community center's older student (as in elderly) art exhibit.

Zalmen announces a sale of tickets for a Chanukah luncheon at one of the local synagogues. Follow a slew of concerts, festivals, parties: an announcement with mention of Israel, but I couldn't hear what the group is; a Jewish concert; a Chanukah party with proceeds going to Mount Sinai Hospital (on the day of the show; Zalmen interrupts to make that clear).

An advertisement for "Around the World Tours," a tourism agency in Fairfax.

Celia reads an ad for the Jewish National Fund event, where the installation of the local leadership will take place. A representative of J.N.F. will also (and this I think is a separate event) deliver a talk in front of two other Jewish organizations. Chanukah lighting and festivities will occur on the evening. J.N.F.  follows up with a separate holiday concert by "the golden voice" of Jan Peerce. Zalmen announces  a J.N.F. sponsored Hebrew song "Hekhalil" (החליל, The Flute; I didn't catch the performers).

Various events of the Histadrut (the Israeli labor union) supporters.

Zalmen returns to the news, talking about the French embargo on weapons sales to Israel, including the refusal to deliver already purchased planes and other weaponry. Israel will now look to make military purchases in the U.S.

He continues with community announcements about several students receiving scholarships from (I think) the United Jewish Communities to continue their education.

Zalmen talks of pre-purchasing the sixth volume of the "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre', which was to come out soon. The cost was fifteen dollars, if pre-purchased, check or money order to be sent to the Yiddish Radio.

Celia says "Goodbye." (Outro Hava Nagila.)

next: June 23, 1968



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