Shabbat and the Jewish Holidays
Jewish New Year before the place of worship date unknown New York City Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
Also be sure to visit the Museum's second exhibition under the banner of "Shabbat and the Jewish Holidays" entitled "Paint What You Remember: Shabbat and the Jewish Holidays in Opatów, Poland."
Table of Contents
Shabbat (5) - The Jewish Sabbath - A Leipzig Shabbat - Sabbath Preparations in Ozarow - "Jews, Go to the Synagogue!" - Shabbat in a Small Town in Russia Before WWI
Rosh Hashanah (5) - The Jewish New Year - Tashlikh - My Darling Rozia! - Days of Awe in the Ghetto - How Jews are Changing....
Yom Kippur (4) - The Day of Atonement - The Prayer Service - Jewish War Heroes Will Be Mourned at Yom Kippur Service - "The Jazz Singer"
Sukkot (4) - The Feast of Booths - The Sukkah - A Son Was Born to Me - A Special Holiday
Shemini Atzeret (1) - The Eighth Day of Assembly
Simchat Torah (2) - Rejoicing of/with the Torah - The Happiest Holiday
Chanukah (3) - The Festival of Lights - Chanukah Rituals - The Rabbi of Leipzig
Purim (7) - The Festival of Lots - Purim in Ozarow, Poland - The Purim Festival in Leipzig, Germany - Purim in Czernowitz - Dem Purim Shpiele - The Purim Festival in my Town (Zambrów) - A Purim Celebration
Passover (9) - The Seder: Why is This Night Different...? - The Children of Leipzig - My Grandfather's Restaurant in Czernowitz - Pesach in a Small Canadian Town - Childhood Memories of Pesach - "No Jew Without Matzos," Says the Proverb - The "Hebrew Passover" - A Real Passover for Them - The Passover Bread - Passover in Connecticut
Lag B'Omer (1) - Celebration of the Harvest
Shavuot (1) - Festival of Weeks
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