Born circa 1907 in Warsaw, Poland, to pious parents. In
1930 the entire family (R., his wife and four children)
immigrated to America. On the ship his wife had a heart
attack and died. In order to avoid that people shouldn't
dispose of the dead body in the sea, the entire family
returned, going over on a ship that was returning to the
free city of Danzig, because they had said during their
immigration to America, for their Polish citizenship,
and to there they could no longer return. The dead
corpse was brought to a grave in Danzig, and R., who had
a desire for the theatre, being a relative of the
Yiddish theatre family Likhtenberg-Kaminski, had begun
to take up in Danzig with organizing Yiddish theatre
productions in which he also participated and even acted
in the title role of Gutzkov's "Uriel Acosta."
In 1932 R. gave up the
theatre and sent his children to their grandmother in
Rembotov, behind Warsaw, where he used to visit his
children and by himself tour with various itinerant
troupes across Poland, sending small sums [of money] to
maintain his family.
R. also participated in the
film (with Dzhigan and Shumacher) "Rich Paupers."
In 1939, during the outbreak
of the Second World war, his eldest son Moniek helped
move over more Yiddish actors to Soviet Russia, and as
such they were saved from the Nazis, but by himself he
went over to the Soviet border, and here acted in
Yiddish theatre and was found in the Slonim ghetto
with a daughter. In order that she may have an
opportunity to live, the actor Zalmen Kaleshnikov had
her tsugeshreyben for the local Yiddish theatre
as a personal aide. The Germans had every Jew in the
ghetto arrested, and later she went out from their cell
ostensibly for work, however, really to [their] death.
This was done with R.'s daughter who had during the
oysleydikn remained there several days by herself.
At first when the Germans were there again, they
entered, and found a farshmakhte, she had been
freed, and as such she was after the "action" a Jew, and
they drove her out. She fled to Bialystok, visiting that
ghetto. Kaleshnikov tells about her and her father's
fate. There she arrived with a husband, had worked,
however later were issued guidance and disappeared. Her
end was likely that of the other Jews.
M. E. from son
Jacob Rubin and Zalmen Kaleshnikov. |